BSS-22 RU to hold admission test in-person system




RU-ADMISSION (with picture)

RU to hold admission test in-person system

RAJSHAHI, Oct 27, 2020 (BSS) – Admission test for first year honours courses of Rajshahi University (RU) for the academic session – 2020-2021 will now be held with the presence of the students in person through maintaining health safety guidelines amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The RU took the decision in its 252nd Academic Council Meeting held at the Senate Building with Vice-chancellor Prof Abdus Sobhan in the chair today.

A RU press release said the admission committee will finalize all decisions relating to the detailed process of the test.

The meeting also decided for introduction of ‘Bangabandhu Chair’ in the university for the first time in its 67-year inception, the release added.

BSS/AH/SKB/1711 hrs