New restrictions in Europe as global virus cases pass 40 million


BRUSSELS, Oct 19, 2020 (BSS/AFP) – The number of confirmed coronavirus
cases worldwide passed 40 million on Monday, as fresh measures to combat the
spread of the virus came into effect in several European countries.

Belgium imposes a nationwide overnight curfew from Monday and Switzerland
has made wearing face masks compulsory in indoor public spaces, the latest
measures by European governments to fight a powerful second coronavirus wave.

The latest surge in cases sent the total registered worldwide past 40
million at 0715 GMT Monday, according to an AFP tally based on official
sources. More than half the caseload is in the three hardest-hit countries:
the United States, India and Brazil.

In Europe, more than 250,000 people have died, but the deepening crisis
there stands in contrast to Australia, where the second-biggest city has
begun easing a lockdown that kept millions of people largely confined to
their homes for months.

Cafes and restaurants across Belgium were shuttered for four weeks as the
country tackled its own infection spike, part of a continent-wide surge that
has seen a 44-percent increase in cases across Europe in the past week.

Some businesses have protested despite authorities warning the country was
in the middle of an exponential increase in cases.

“We don’t feel considered, and it hurts my heart,” said Angelo Bussi, a
restaurant manager in Brussels. “Everyone is in pain. It’s horrible.”

– ‘Second wave is here’ –

Switzerland was largely spared when the coronavirus emerged in China late
last year and swept the world.

But infections have doubled in the wealthy Alpine nation in the last seven
days, prompting new restrictions including compulsory masks-wearing in public
spaces indoors and limits on public gatherings.

“The second wave is here, earlier and stronger than we expected, but we
are prepared,” Health Minister Alain Berset told journalists.

The canton of Bern also banned ban public events of more than a thousand
people, which will hit professional football and hockey matches.

France on the weekend imposed its own overnight curfew in nine cities
including Paris, affecting 20 million people, after announcing a record
32,400 new infections on Saturday.

And Italy announced fresh curbs on Sunday night in response to its own
snowballing second wave of contagion, after enduring Europe’s first major
outbreak earlier this year.

“We cannot waste time,” said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, flagging bans
on amateur team sports and earlier closures for bars and restaurants.

The new measures were intended to avoid harsher measures that could
“seriously endanger” continental Europe’s third-largest economy, already
reeling from a two-month nationwide lockdown only lifted in May.

– ‘We have to try to live normally’ –

An even longer lockdown began coming to an end in Australia on Monday,
where the five million inhabitants of Melbourne were allowed to leave their
homes for more than two hours a day for the first time since July.

Residents dashed back to reopened salons and golf courses that had been
closed for more than 100 days, though restaurants and most other retail
businesses will remain shut until November at the earliest as the authorities
monitor case numbers.

“I’m not doing what is popular, I am doing what is safe, because we don’t
want to be back here again,” said Daniel Andrews, the premier of Victoria
state of which Melbourne is the capital.

Israel has also lifted restrictions that banned people from travelling
more than a kilometre from their homes as well as closing kindergartens,
beaches and national parks.

Israeli mother Talia Zinkin said she was initially unsure whether to send
her son back to daycare.

“But I felt he would enjoy being with other children,” she told AFP. “We
have to try to live normally.”

Saudi Arabia eased more of its own virus restrictions when it allowed
worshippers to reenter Islam’s holiest site for prayers on Sunday for the
first time since March.

The Grand Mosque in Mecca is the site of the annual hajj pilgrimage that
draws Muslims from around the world but only 10,000 people were allowed to
take part this year, a far cry from the 2.5 million who participated last

The structure will be sterilised before and after each group of
worshippers, and thermal sensors have been installed to measure the body
temperature of pilgrims.

Veteran chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, the latest political
figure to be infected with the virus, is in a “critical” condition and in a
medically induced coma, the Israeli hospital treating him in Jerusalem said