BFF-30 Merkel seeks tougher restrictions to fight coronavirus surge





Merkel seeks tougher restrictions to fight coronavirus surge

BERLIN, Oct 14, 2020 (BSS/AFP) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel wants

measures toughened up to fight a surge in coronavirus infections, including

requiring masks in more places and limiting numbers of people gathering for

private events, according to a draft policy paper seen by AFP.

The proposals to be discussed with premiers from Germany’s 16 states later

Wednesday would see the restrictions kick in once an area records 35 new

infections per 100,000 people over seven days.

Previously, Germany had used a yardstick of 50 new infections per 100,000

as the threshold when tougher restrictions would apply.

Merkel has in recent days repeatedly voiced alarm about contagion growing

again and urged the country not to squander its early success in keeping

numbers manageable.

She has cited as her priorities keeping schools open so that the country’s

youth would not lose more education time as well as ensuring that most of the

economy can keep going.

But new infections continued their uptick on Wednesday, pushing past 5,000

cases in 24 hours — a level not seen since a lockdown imposed on Europe’s

biggest economy in the spring.

The draft document takes aim at private gatherings, which it notes can help

propagate the virus and makes an appeal to citizens to “critically weigh up in

each case, whether, how and in what extent private parties are necessary and

justifiable given the virus situation”.

It also pledges to extend help for companies whose businesses have been

hurt by the restrictions.

It also warned that yet further restrictions could be imposed if the

upwards trajectory of new infections is maintained.

Lothar Wieler, the head of Germany’s disease control agency RKI, meanwhile

urged vulnerable groups to get their seasonal flu shots this year to avoid

overwhelming the health system with both flu and Covid-19 illnesses.

“We’re in a situation where I think we can still flatten the exponential

growth but for that we all need to make an effort,” he said.

BSS/AFP/FI/ 1750 hrs