BFF-34 Russia registers highest daily COVID-19 cases since May





Russia registers highest daily COVID-19 cases since May

MOSCOW, Oct 3, 2020 (BSS/XINHUA) – Russia reported 9,859 COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours, a daily record not seen since May 15 as the pandemic resurges, the country’s coronavirus response center said Saturday.

According to official statistics, Russia’s total number of COVID-19 infections has grown to 1,204,502. The country continues to rank the fourth-highest in the world in terms of cumulative cases.

To date, there are 21,251 coronavirus-related deaths and 975,859 recoveries in the country.

The center reported 2,884 new cases in Moscow within the past 24 hours, with the total number now equal to 300,613.

As of Friday, 226,435 people were still under medical observation, while over 47.2 million tests have been conducted in Russia.

BSS/XINHUA/FI/ 1728 hrs