BFF-24 Russia’s COVID-19 cases up 6,196 to 1,109,595





Russia’s COVID-19 cases up 6,196 to 1,109,595

MOSCOW, Sept 21, 2020 (BSS/XINHUA) – Russia has registered 6,196 new
COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours, taking its total to 1,109,595, the
country’s COVID-19 response center said in a statement Monday.

Meanwhile, 71 new deaths were reported, taking the death toll to 19,489,
it said.

Moscow, the worst hit part of Russia, reported 915 new cases, bringing its
tally of infections to 277,408.

Russia has been witnessing a rise in daily infections since Sept. 13,
including in Moscow. The center said the rise has resulted mainly from the
fact that the capital city has been carrying out more tests, with more
efficient detection rates.

According to the statement, 911,973 patients have recovered so far across
the country, including 2,616 over the past day.

As of Sunday, 242,287 people were still under medical observation, while
over 43.1 million tests have been conducted in Russia, the center said.

BSS/XINHUA/FI/ 1505 hrs