BSP-19 All of 18 cricketers found negative for coronavirus





All of 18 cricketers found negative for coronavirus

DHAKA, Sept 19, 2020 (BSS)—All of the 18 cricketers who were tested for COVID-19 found negative, much to the relief of the Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB). It was the second phase of the Coronavirus test, which was conducted on Friday.

“On Friday, 18 players had undergone COVID-19 tests. All have reported negative,” BCB informed through a whatsapp message.

In the first phase of the Test, which was held on September 6 and 7, apart from Test opener Saif Hassan, all came negative. Saif however was found negative in his second test also but BCB chief physician Dr. Debashis Chowdhury said the opener had no visible symptoms of the coronavirus.

“Normally second test should be done 14 days after the first test but we have conducted Saif’s test after seven days and probably therefore he was found positive. Hopefully he will be okay in the next test as he had no visible symptoms of coronavirus,” Dr. Chowdhury said.

He also said the cricketers will put in a bio-secure bubble in the hotel Sonargaon, the team’s hotel before leaving the country for Colombo. BCB however will keep the players and staff at the hotel, thinking about the Sri Lanka tour positively even though Sri Lanka is yet to respond to their demand.

The BCB wanted a seven-day quarantine and practice facility during the isolation, while according to Sri Lanka’s health protocol, they would have to be in mandatory quarantine for 14-days.

BSS/SMP/AU/17:40 hrs