BFF-23 Humpback whales stray up tropical Aussie river





Humpback whales stray up tropical Aussie river

SYDNEY, Sept 12, 2020 (BSS/AFP) – A trio of humpback whales — usually bound for

Antarctica this time of year — took a wrong turn, heading up a crocodile-

infested north Australian river with scientists hoping Saturday they will all

return to the sea safely.

Two of the creatures, first seen in the East Alligator River in Kakadu National

Park earlier this week, are already believed to have gone back to the sea, Parks

Australia said.

But authorities were still monitoring at least one whale, spotted about 20

kilometres (12.4 miles) up the river on Saturday, Kakadu National Park manager

of country and culture section Feach Moyle told AFP.

“The most likely explanation is that they were heading back down south and took

a wrong turn,” Moyle said.

“It’s a bit difficult to tell if there’s one or two there,” he added, with the

river’s muddy colour making identification hard.

Although whales are sometimes seen off the Northern Territory coast, it is

believed to be the first time one has been spotted in the tropical rivers of the

huge world heritage-listed nature reserve, he said.

Park authorities have set up a partial exclusion zone to protect unwitting

boaters and any remaining whales, which can grow up to 16 metres long and weigh

30 tonnes.

“The last thing we want is a collision between a boat and whale in waters where

crocodiles are prevalent and visibility underwater is zero,” Parks Australia


There were also concerns about boats forcing the creatures further up the


Although in prime croc country, the saltwater reptiles did not pose a major

threat to humpbacks due to their size, Moyle said.

“Even a big croc is not going to tangle with them.”

The bigger issue was if a whale became stranded, with a dangerous rescue in

remote country making it hard to reach before the animal became “croc bait”, he


“What we want to happen is, we get up in the helicopter tomorrow and then we

see them waving goodbye.”

BSS/AFP/AU/15:10 hrs