Pomelo sale gets popularity in Panchagarh


PANCHAGARH, Sept 5, 2020(BSS)- The cultivation and selling of pomelo, a kind of grape-fruit more known as jumbora started gaining popularity among the farmers in the district.

The ball like fruit looks green and inside red color which is tasted a combination of sweet and sour is growing well in the district and drawing huge customers .

In course of time, once the pomelo which was sportive item among the children now become popular fruit among the people of all ages .

Per piece pomelo is generally being sold at Tk ten to 12 in whole sale market but it varies in sizes.

It got this year bumper production in Debiganj. The small traders directly buy the pomelo from the fruit owners and sent those to Dhaka and other parts of the country .

“About two to three thousand pieces of pomelo are being sold at Debiganj Bazar alone everyday and its sale starts from Bengali month Bhadro and will continue till month of Kartik “ said fruit farmer Malek adding that at least 100 to 150 pieces of pomelo are produced from a tree.

Debiganj upazila Agriculture Extension Officer Samim Ikbal told BSS that the farmers do not need pesticide spray and use of chemical fertilizer in pomelo farming .

Upazila Health And Family Planning Officer Dr Hasinur Rahman told BSS that pomelo has huge nutrition particularly vitamin –C, B, and calcium .

“ The fruit bears the testimonies of bone strengthening , prevention of cancer and cardiac problems and lessening the body weight” Dr Hasinur said advising all to eat pomelo everyday .