BSS-26 Murad mourns death of sector commander Abu Osman Chowdhury





Murad mourns death of sector commander Abu Osman Chowdhury

DHAKA, Sept 5, 2020 (BSS) – State Minister for Information Dr Murad Hasan today expressed deep shock and sorrow at the death of valiant freedom fighter and Sector Commander of the 1971 Liberation War Lieutenant Colonel (retd) Abu Osman Chowdhury.

In a condolence message Murad said the country has lost a valiant freedom fighter at the death of Abu Osman Chowdhury, and his heroic contributions to the great Liberation War will be remembered forever.

He prayed for eternal peace of the departed soul and conveyed deep sympathy to the bereaved family.

Abu Osman Chowdhury, sector commander of sector-8 during the Liberation War, passed away while undergoing treatment at Dhaka Combined Military Hospital (CMH) this morning.

BSS/PR/TIT/FI/ 1545 hrs