Bangabandhu Junior Asia Cup Hockey to be held in January next


DHAKA, Aug. 26, 2020 (BSS)-The Bangladesh Hockey Federation (BHF) will host the Bangabandhu Men’s Junior Asia Cup Hockey scheduled to be held on 21-30 January next at Moulana Bhasani National Hockey Stadium.

“Yes the schedule of the Bangabandhu Men’s Junior Asia Cup Hockey has been confirmed today ….. The Asian Hockey Federation (AHF) through an email informed us the schedule of the tournament following a letter we sent the AHF earlier willing to host the tournament in the first week of January,” said Bangladesh Hockey Federation (BHF) acting general secretary Mohammad Yousuf to BSS today.

The Men’s Junior Asia Cup was originally scheduled to take place in Dhaka on June 4-14 this year with the participation of ten countries, but the Asian AHF postponed the tournament in March due to COVID-19 pandemic.

The ten countries are Chinese Taipei, Uzbekistan, India, Oman, Japan, South Korea, China, Malaysia, Pakistan and host Bangladesh.

Among the ten countries top six teams – Bangladesh, India, Japan, Pakistan, South Korea and Malaysia — of last tournament will directly play this year’s tournament while remaining four teams — China, Chinese Taipei , Oman and Uzbekistan – have come after participating in the selection round held in Oman last year.

The top three countries of the Junior Asia Cup will qualify for the next edition of Men’s Junior Hockey World Cup.

Earlier, the AHF, confirmed the date of the sixth edition of Men’s Asian Champions Trophy Hockey scheduled to be held from March 11-19 next year.

The Men’s Asian Champions Trophy was scheduled to be held from November 17-27 this year, but the Asian AHF postponed the tournament in March due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Apart from hosts Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, South Korea and Japan will take part in the tournament.