BSS-21 CTTC arrests alleged ‘Neo-JMB’ operative in Dhaka





CTTC arrests alleged ‘Neo-JMB’ operative in Dhaka

DHAKA, Aug 25, 2020 (BSS) – Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTTC) unit of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) claimed to have arrested a young member of ‘Neo JMB’ from city’s Babu Bazar Bridge area yesterday.

The arrestee was identified as – Md Salek alias Abu Salek, 19.

The CTTC team conducted a drive in Babu Bazar Bridge area under Kotwali Thana on Monday night and arrested Selek, said a DMP press release today

A mobile phone was recovered from his possession at that time, it said.

Salek allegedly kept in touch with his organisation’s other members through social media and dofferent online networking apps and was planning to recruit members to strengthen the organization and carry out subversive activities, it added.