BFF’s election schedule to be announced Sept.3


DHAKA, Aug. 19, 2020 (BSS)- The election schedule of the much-talked Bangladesh Football Federation will be announced on September 3, one month before the congress.

The BFF chief election commissioner Mebah Uddin after the meeting through a video message today said :””We’ll sit again on September 3 and we’ll announce the election schedule of BFF on the same day.” “Our aim is to publish the final voter list fifteen days before the election date so that the BFF can publish the list in their website as well as to hang the list at their notice board to inform all,” he added.

Mebah also hoped that the election would be held more peacefully compared to previous and there would be huge excitement would be transmitted to all.

Earlier, on August 11, THE BFF in their executive committee’s meeting decided to hold the election congress held on October 3 and FIFA and Asian Football Confederation (AFC) also have given their consent to BFF to hold the election on that date.

The tenure of the present committee ended on April 30 last and the BFF fixed the date of the election on April 20 but due to outbreak of COVID-19 the BFF had to postpone the election for an indefinite period after taking consent of FIFA and AFC.

It can be mentioned that FIFA has given the present committee the power to continue until the election is held and instructed to arrange the election when the COVID-19 situation is normal.