BSS-02 SM Sultan’s 96th birth anniversary observed in Narail





SM Sultan’s 96th birth anniversary observed in Narail

NARAIL, Aug 10, 2020 (BSS) – Renowned artist SM Sultan’s 96th birth anniversary was observed in a befitting manner at his birth place in Narail today.

The SM Sultan Foundation and District Administration jointly organised the programmes to mark the birth anniversary of the famous artist. The programmes includes Qurankhni, Doa-Mahfil,tributes offering wreaths and to seek eternal blessings for the departed soul in Sultan grave yard were held at Machhimdia-Kurigram area in Narail municipality following social distance and adhering to hygiene rules.

Deputy Commissioner of Narail and Sultan Foundation President Anjuman Ara was attended the birth ceremony programmes as the chief guest while Additional Deputy Commissioner (General) MD.Yarul Islam, Sultan Art College’s principal Anadi Bairagi, SM Sultan Shishu Charu-O-Karukala foundation president Sheikh Hanif, Narail Press Club secretary Shamimul Islam Tulu, among others, present on the occasion.

Artist Sultan was born at Masumdia in Narail town on August 10,1924. He died in Jessore Combined Military Hospital on October 10, 1994.

Artist Sultan won Ekushey Padak in 1982, Bangladesh Charu Shilpi Sangsad Award in 1986 and Swadhinata Padak in 1993.He was declared the Man of Asia in 1982 by Cambridge University and Bangladeh government declared him as resident of artist in 1984.

Sultan’s artworks were shown in Simla of India in 1946, in Lahore and Karachi in 1948-49 and paintings were exhibited in New York, Boston, London and Michigan university in 1959, long before his exhibition at Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy in 1976.

He joined the international conference of painters in America in 1950 as the representative of the then Pakistan government.