BSS-39 Lightning kills youth in Tangail





Lightning kills youth in Tangail

TANGAIL, July 23, 2020, (BSS)- A young man was killed by a lightning strike in Madhupur Upazila of the district today.

The victim was identified as- Monnas Hossain, 30, son of Afzal Hossain of Dakshin Dampara village in Madhupur municipal area.

According to the locals, Monnas was hit by a lightning strike while waiting on the bank of the marshland in Charpara area near his house for his cow, at around 10:30am today.

Later, the locals rescued and rushed him to Madhupur Upazila Health Complex, where the duty doctor declared him dead.

The body was handed over to the family, said hospital sources.

BSS/CORR/RQ/QC/1800 hrs