BSP-10 BFF lift transfer ban on Saif SC





BFF lift transfer ban on Saif SC

DHAKA, July 18, 2020 (BSS)- The Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) has lifted transfer ban on Saif Sporting Club after the Bangladesh Premier League Club Saif SC fulfilled all economic responsibility giving the fine of three foreign players, according to a press release received here from BFF today.

A press release from BFF read that as per the communication of the Secretariat to the FIFA Disciplinary Committee, by means of which the parties concerned in the above mentioned cases of subject-reference were informed of the closure of the relevant disciplinary proceedings against the Debtor, the club Saif Sporting club, as all economic responsibilities had been fulfilled, the letter read.

“In this context, and taking into account the foregoing, FIFA requested BFF the transfer-ban imposed against the club Saif Sporting club, relevant to the case of subject-reference, to be lifted and BFF accordingly lifted the transfer-ban, the press release concluded.

Earlier, Saif Sporting Club Ltd got a ban on their booters’ transfer as they failed to pay the fines of three foreign players within the FIFA deadline.

The BFF imposed the ban after getting the verdict from FIFA. The FIFA Disciplinary Committee penalised Saif SC on three different charges responding to the complaints lodged in 2017 by Slovakian midfielder Macko Viliam, Montenegrin forward Sava Gardasevic and Serbian defender Goran Obradovic over the payment issues.

FIFA Disciplinary Committee issued injunctions against Saif SC on March 13, 14 and 23 with an order to pay USD 4000 each player as the outstanding remuneration and pay compensations of USD 32500 to Macko Viliam, USD 40000 to Sava Gardasevic and USD 21000 to Goran Obradovic. The committee also ordered to credit an amount of Swedish Krona 15000 (Swiss franc 5000 for each case) as fines.

According to the FIFA verdict: “If the payment is not made to the Creditors and proof of such a payment is not provided to the secretariat to the FIFA disciplinary committee and to the Bangladesh Football Federation by the deadline stipulated by FIFA, A ban from registering New players, either nationally or internationally, will be imposed on the Debtor (Saif SC Ltd.).

BSS/SG/AU/17:30 hrs