Women’s football league should organise regularly: Maria


DHAKA, July 13, 2020 (BSS)- The U-16 women’s team skipper Maria Manda said the women’s football league should be organised regularly so that the players can contribute financial support to their family.

The country’s prolific women’s footballer Maria, through a video interview today also expressed her optimism to play the World Cup one day to lift the country up.

The players of Bangladesh U-16 women’s football team continued their fitness training at full swing during the quarantine period. They were provided scheduled by their coach and the players are doing exercise at home to maintain their fitness level.

Here are some highlights of the interview:

Quest: How do you spend time now in this COVID-19 pandemic?

Maria: Staying at home and helping my mother. Also doing practices and listening music.

Quest: How do you maintain your football fitness?

Maria: Our head coach Choton Sir provided us a schedule, we’re following that. I can’t go outside now, doing core exercises at home. But try to go outside once a day.

Quest: You have been playing women’s football league. What do you feel about it?

Maria: If the league continues, we’ll be benefited. It’ll also be benefitted for our families because we can contribute a little bit support to our families financially.

Quest: You did a lot for our international age-level women team competition. What do you think about the national women’s football team?

Maria: I want to do better… We are doing well now, but want to do better in future… Our wish is to play the World Cup and we want to lift the country up by playing it.

Quest: You are leading U-15/16s. How do you enjoy it?

Maria: I feel really good… I can lead my country on the pitch. Everyone isn’t as lucky as me. It inspires me a lot to do more for my country.