BSP-09 BFF certify coaches under AFC Coaching convention





BFF certify coaches under AFC Coaching convention

DHAKA, July 12 2020 (BSS)- Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) vice president and technician committee’s chairman Tabith Awal today said apart from the local coaches the BFF now able to certify the international coaches and other national team’s coaches under the ‘AFC Coaching Convention’ course program.

The BFF had enrolled the ‘AFC Coaching Convention’ in July last year and after the enrolment of AFC Coaching Convention BFF conducted the A,B and C certificates course in the last one year.

“We have been involved with the AFC Coaching Convention from 2019 so that BFF is now able to provide certificates by itself. We’ve already conducted three levels of courses — A, B and C — under the AFC convention.

Now, we’re going to provide AFC Coaching Convention Certificates to 23 A licensed coaches and 22 B licensed coaches. Among them, our seven former footballers are going to get this certificate today, Tabith said through a video message today.”

“The good side is they can continue their career as coaches after retirement. We are very glad that our footballers can now start their career as elite coaches, referees or organizers after their retirements in Bangladesh.

We feel proud that some foreign coaches also came here to do these courses; that means we’re not only certifying our local coaches but also foreign coaches,” he added.

About the AFC Coaching Convention Certificate, goalkeeper coach of Bashundhara Kings Nuruzzaman Nayan said, “AFC has permitted several Asian countries including Bangladesh to provide coach licenses. We have completed the BFF-AFC A license course under supervision of Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF).

I feel happy that the BFF President Kazi Md Salahuddin has handed the certificates over to us. Certificate is very important for a person. But if we can’t utilize our knowledge and experience to develop footballers then it is just a piece of paper.”

Another former national team footballer Sayed Hasan Kanon said it’s a big example of BFF’s professionalism as they called us such this dire situation due to COVID-19 to distribute the certificate.

I would like to thank the BFF and especially the president Kazi Mohammad Salahuddin, who is working relentlessly for the federation during the coronavirus pandemic.

About the AFC Coaching Convention Certificate, Rajani Kanta Barman said, “I’ve completed both B and C license courses. Hopefully, these courses will help me to develop and to work at the grassroots level football.”

Earlier, on Saturday last, BFF president Kazi Mohammad Salahuddin distributed the AFC A coaching convention certificates among the seven local former national footballers who successfully passed in the coaching course.

BSS/SG/AU/18:00 hrs