BFF-47 Russian COVID-19 cases up 6,368 to 694,230





Russian COVID-19 cases up 6,368 to 694,230

MOSCOW, July 7, 2020 (BSS/XINHUA) – Russia recorded 6,368 new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours, taking its total to 694,230, the country’s coronavirus response center said in a statement Tuesday.

The death toll rose by 198 to 10,494, while 463,880 people have recovered, including 9,551 over the last 24 hours, said the statement.

Moscow, the country’s worst-hit region, reported 629 newly-confirmed cases, taking its tally of infections to 226,174.

On Monday, 272,814 people were still under medical observation, while more than 21.5 million virus tests have been conducted nationwide, Russia’s consumer rights and human well-being watchdog said Tuesday in a separate statement.

BSS/XINHUA/FI/ 1615 hrs