Member of Ansarullah Bangla held in Gazipur


DHAKA, July 06, 2020 (BSS) – Anti-Terrorism Unit (ATU) arrested one member of the banned militant outfit Ansar-al-Islam also known as Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT) from Gazipur on Sunday.

The arrestee is identified as Md Rashidul Islam, 20.

Anti-Terrorism Unit Superintendent of Police (Legal and Media) Mahiduzzaman said the alleged militant was arrested from Fakir Market of Bara Deora area around 4:30pm, said a press release.

Jihadi books and a mobile phone set were recovered from his possession by the law enforcement team.

Mahiduzzaman said Rashidul had been conducting online campaign for a long with the aim of establishing ‘Khilafat’ (caliphate) in the country.

A case has been filed against him with Tongi West Police Station.