Quader asks hospitals to treat all patients equally amid COVID-19

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DHAKA, June 28, 2020 (BSS) – Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader today said there is no discrimination between ordinary and affluent patients in providing treatment amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Calling upon the hospital authorities to provide treatment to all patients equally, he said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s government does not believe in VIP culture and it always discourages such practices.

Quader, also the Awami League general secretary, was addressing a virtual press briefing on the contemporary affairs from his official residence here.

Noting that the government’s stance against graft is very clear, he said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has taken ‘zero tolerance’ policy to check corruption in all sectors, including the health sector.

According to different studies and media reports, the AL general secretary said, many COVID-19 patients have been taking treatment staying at their homes.

He instructed the Health Division to improve telemedicine and hotline services so that these COVID-19 patients can avail of necessary healthcare services and advice from home.

Quader said COVID-19 is such a disease which drives away the near and dear ones of virus-infected persons and makes them strangers within a moment.

Once a COVID-19 patient dies, none wants to touch his or her body, he added.

Mentioning that COVID-19 is not a curse, the road transport minister said, there is no chance of spreading infection three hours after a COVID-19 patient’s death.

He said COVID-19 samples are now being tested at 66 laboratories in the country and the government has taken an initiative to expand the testing facility.

Quader urged the private hospitals and others concerned to take steps to install PCR labs in greater interest of the people.

Referring to the ongoing floods in several districts in the country amid the coronavirus crisis, the AL general secretary urged his the party leaders and workers to stand by the flood victims.