Journalist Balu’s 16th death anniversary observed in Khulna


KHULNA, June 27, 2020 (BSS) – The 16th death anniversary of Ekushey Padak-winning journalist and organiser of the great Liberation War Humayun Kabir Balu was observed here today.

Former Editor of local daily ‘Dainik Janmobhumi’ and President of Khulna Press Club, Balu was killed in front of his office-cum-residence on June 27, 2004.

To mark the day, Khulna Press Club and different socio-cultural organisations chalked out different programmes.

The programmes included offering wreath at the journalist’s monument on Khulna Press Club premises, holding a discussion meeting, recitation from the holy Quran and doa mahfil.

Chaired by KPC president S M Nazrul Islam, the discussion meeting was addressed, among others, by ex-KPC president Mokbul Hossain Mintu, ex-general secretaries SM Zahid Hossain and Md Saheb Ali, joint secretary S M Kamal. president of Khulna Union of Journalists (KUJ) Mahbub Alam Sohag, ex-general secretary Mozammel Haque Howlader, journalists Abdul Malek, Debobrota Roy, Waheduzzaman Bulu and Prabeer Biswas.

The speakers demanded re-investigation of journalist Humayun Kabir Balu murder case and capital punishment of killers, mastermind and financer behind the killing.