AL remains uncompromising with principles, ideologies: leaders


DHAKA, June 23, 2020 (BSS) – Bangladesh Awami League, which marks its 71st founding anniversary today, will never be derailed from their principles and ideologies on which it had begun its journey over seven decades ago, said leaders of the party.

“Awami League had begun its journey to realize the rights of repressed, deprived and downtrodden people. It had gone through struggles and movements and supreme sacrifices of its leaders and workers to establish people’s rights,” AL Presidium member Dr Muhammad Abdur Razzaque told BSS in an interview.

Razzaque, also minister for agriculture, said the party always believes in secularism and democracy, remains uncompromising with its principles and it works for the masses so that the people think it as their own giving AL the status of a pro-people party.

“Awami League wants to build a discrimination free society giving highest importance to human rights to have a Sonar Bangla as dreamt by Bangabandhu,” he said.

Abdur Rahman, another member of the party Presidium, said the 71-year-old Awami League provided a map of independent Bangladesh as a gift to the nation through long struggles and overcoming all hurdles and conspiracies.

“Since its inception on June 23 in 1949, Awami League always sets its programmes to meet the expectations and aspirations of people and it will also do so in the days to come,” he said.

AL Joint General Secretary AFM Bahauddin Nasim said the Awami League always believes in people’s power and it works to translate people’s dream into reality so that Awami League’s voice is the voice of the masses irrespective of caste, creeds and religions.

The people always has profound love for AL from its beginning and had deep trust in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the architect of independent Bangladesh, so the party now under the leadership of Bangabandhu’s daughter AL President and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina prioritizes people’s rights and works for the betterment of common people following the footprints of the father of the nation, he added.

Party’s Organizing Secretary Ahmed Hossain said now containing the outbreak of novel coronavirus (Covid-19) is the biggest challenge before AL and AL government as it has been claiming lives every day in Bangladesh likewise the world and putting severe impact on the economy.

To save both life and living, the AL government has undertaken economic plans to cope with post-coronavirus crisis period.

Advocate Afzal Hossain, an organizing secretary of AL, said only Awami League holds the principles and ideologies and spirit on which the state named Bangladesh was born nearly five decades ago and that is why party will remain alive with its pride as long as the country remains alive.

AL Organizing Secretary Mirza Azam said the history of Bangladesh and the Awami League is same and uniform as the party led the country’s all democratic, cultural and social movements and ultimately the 1971 Liberation War to free the soil from the subjugation of Pakistani occupational forces.

AL Science and Technology Affairs Secretary Engineer Abdus Sabur said Bangabandhu’s AL is going ahead imbued with the principles and ideologies of 1971 Liberation War under the leadership of Bangabandhu’s daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to build a repression free prosperous Sonar Bangla.

Relief and Social Welfare Secretary Sujit Roy Nandi said AL never compromises with its principles and ideologies in any crisis period and that is why it has strong and firm footings keeping trust among the people.

He said the country and the nation have got a lot of things from this party and it has the leading role behind all achievements and progress of this soil.