BSS-26 ILO to discus severe impact of COVID-19 on migrant workers on June 24





ILO to discus severe impact of COVID-19 on migrant workers on June 24

DHAKA, June 22, 2020 (BSS) – The International Labour Organization (ILO) will discuss about severe impact on millions of migrants workers around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic on June 24.

According to a ILO released received here today, the ILO will brief and elaborately discuss on global migrants workers at 12 noon at Geneva.

The documents include assessments of the impact of COVID-19 on migrant workers in Hong Kong, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, the Arab states and the ASEAN region, it said.

The documents will cover the effects on seasonal workers, refugee workers and other displaced persons.

There is also guidance on maximizing the benefits to home countries of the returning wave of migrants, recognizing skills, ensuring fair recruitment, extending social protection coverage, and finding new jobs or re-migrating safely, the release added.

BSS/PR/SAS/SMM/1630 hrs