BSS-07 RCC releases 280 KGs fish fingerlings in pond





RCC releases 280 KGs fish fingerlings in pond

RAJSHAHI, June 22, 2020 (BSS)- Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) has released

280 kilograms of fish fries and fingerlings in a pond in Rajshahi city on Sunday

aimed at boosting the fish production.

City Mayor AHM Khairuzzaman Liton released the fingerlings of four species

like Rui, Katla, Big Head and Grass Carp in the pond inside the Shaheed AHM

Kamaruzzaman Botanical Garden and Zoo through maintaining social distancing and

other health safety guidelines amid the COVID-19 pandemic. RCC Ward Councilors

and other officials concerned were present on the occasion. Speaking on the

occasion, Mayor Liton said enhanced fish production can be the effective means to

meet protein deficiency and poverty alleviation along employment generation to

tackle the adverse impact of the Covid-19.

Referring to the immense prospect of the fisheries sector he said fish

production could easily be increased through the best use of existing natural


Conservation of the water resources and other wetlands has become

indispensable for the sake of boosting fish production to meet up the national

protein demands, he added.

Liton called for involving more people in the fish farming activities for the

sake of meeting the protein demands as only the fish fulfill at least 60 per cent

need of the animal protein especially of the poor and marginal communities. He

also said fish growers in Rajshahi attained success in fish production in the

last couple of years after the present government under the dynamic leadership of

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina took diversified steps to boost fish production.

After meeting up the growing local demand, the district is now supplying at

least 100 trucks of fish to different districts, including Dhaka city, every day,

he added.