Quader urges people not to hoard medicines amid COVID-19

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DHAKA, June 21, 2020 (BSS) – Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader today urged the people not to store any medicine based on assumption during the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

“Getting panicked, many people are storing oxygen cylinders at their homes. They are also stockpiling drugs based on presumption. It is unnecessary,” he said while addressing a virtual press briefing from his official residence here.

He warned that without the advice of specialized doctors, the stockpiling and use of such drugs might cause harm to them.

Quader, also the road transport and bridges minister, said as a section of people has unnecessarily been storing oxygen cylinders, many critical patients are being deprived of oxygen.

So, he said, they should concentrate on the prevention of coronavirus rather than storing life-saving drugs and oxygen cylinders.

Calling upon all concerned to deliver the coronavirus test reports within the shortest possible time, the AL general secretary said: “I have learned from media that people are being harassed in testing (coronavirus) and getting the reports.”

There are also allegations that people have to wait for a long time for this, he said, urging the authorities concerned to take effective measures to collect COVID-19 samplings from people and deliver the reports within a short time by increasing coordination.

Quader said although some private hospitals have done commendable tasks in providing treatment to COVID-19 patients, there are still allegations of negligence against many hospitals.

He said there are also allegations that patients suffering from other diseases are not getting proper treatment at many hospitals.

The minister urged the hospital owners, doctors and others concerned to put humanity above business in this difficult time.

He said many politicians, intellectuals and eminent personalities have already died of COVID-19, while a large number of AL leaders and workers died from coronavirus infections.

The AL men are providing services to the country’s people risking their lives during the ongoing coronavirus crisis, he added.

During the crisis of the country, Quader said, the brave soldiers of Bangladesh Awami League, an organisation of the soil and the people, have set a unique example once again in providing humanitarian services to the people following the directives of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

He requested the media owners to continue paying the salaries and allowances of media personnel amid the ongoing crisis.

Recalling the contribution of media in this difficult time, Quader asked the advertisers to show generosity as much as possible to help the media outlets address their problems during the crisis period.