BFF-30 China-Africa joint efforts against COVID-19 an example of solid friendship, multilateralism





China-Africa joint efforts against COVID-19 an example of solid friendship, multilateralism

BEIJING, June 18 (BSS/Xinhua) – The Extraordinary China-Africa Summit on Solidarity against COVID-19 chaired by Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday helped solidify the time-tested relationship between China and African nations.

The summit came at a crucial moment as China and Africa have fought side by side against COVID-19, and this year also marks the 20th anniversary of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, a key platform enhancing the rock-solid ties.

China and Africa have been sharing weal and woe and sticking together through thick and thin. The COVID-19 pandemic is the latest testimony to the two sides’ firm commitment to defeating the virus with cooperation and solidarity.

China-Africa friendship has a decades-old storyline. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the African people extended helping hands to China during its difficult time. When African people were hit by the Ebola epidemic and some countries evacuated their personnel from the affected areas, China sent medical teams to Africa and stood shoulder to shoulder with the African brothers.

It is fair to say that the China-Africa relationship has withstood the test of time and upheld equality, mutual trust and mutual support.

The sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic was another test to the China-Africa ties, and China resolutely honored its commitment to this unshakeable friendship. Despite being ravaged by the epidemic, China went ahead to help African countries by providing supplies, sending expert teams and facilitating Africa’s procurement of medical supplies from China.

So far, China has sent urgent supplies and dispatched medical experts to over 50 African countries and shared its anti-epidemic experience via video conferences.

A communique issued on June 13 by the African Union said China has ensured the supply of 30 million testing kits, 10,000 ventilators and 80 million masks each month for Africa, a “significant contribution.”

The depth and resilience of solidarity between China and Africa have continued to thrive, further solidifying the bond between the two sides. For sure, a friend in need is a friend indeed!

China-Africa solidarity and better multilateral cooperation is key to winning the battle against this pandemic. China and Africa will script a new era of friendship and cooperation.

BSS/Xinhua/MSY/1420 hrs