Special safety measures taken on Paturia-Daulatdia route

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MANIKGANJ, Jun 24, 2018 (BSS)-The district administration in cooperation
with the concerned departments have adopted special safety measures for
passengers travelling on Paturia-Daulatdia ferry route for smooth returning
to their working places after the Eid-ul-Fitr festival.

Local administration sources said the measures were taken today for a
hassle-free transportation of vehicles carrying the passengers on the route.

And as a result, the sources said, the holidaymakers particularly those
returning to the capital city after the Eid vacation are not facing any
traffic jam.

Despite the festival coming to an end, the Manikganj district
administration, district police and Fire Service and Civil Defence Department
are continuing their services for safe movement of home coming and returning
passengers on the route.

The sources said since June 11 last the designated employees of the
concerned departments have been providing round-the-clock services to the
passengers, specially old or disabled ones, with heavy luggage to cross the
route smoothly.