BFF-19 Israeli forces kill 131 Palestinians since March 30





Israeli forces kill 131 Palestinians since March 30

GAZA, June 24, 2018 (BSS/XINHUA) – The Health Ministry in Gaza Saturday
unveiled a detailed official statistics on Palestinians killed and wounded by
Israeli soldiers’ gunfire since the outbreak of rallies and protests in Gaza
Strip on March 30.

It said, in an official statement, that the Israeli army killed 131, and
14,811 were wounded, including 7,975 treated in hospitals and 54 had their
either upper or lower limps amputated.

The report also accused the Israeli army of targeting the medical crews and
ambulances in the field to rescue the lives of the wounded protesters.

Since March 30, the Palestinians have organized anti-Israel rallies in
eastern Gaza Strip. They called the rallies “the Great March of Return” and
demanded an end to a tight Israeli blockade imposed on the coastal enclave
since 2007.

The Palestinians accused Israel of using excessive power and various kinds
of illegal ammunitions to disperse the demonstrators who approached the fence
of the border between eastern Gaza Strip and Israel.

However, Israel justified the use of force against demonstrators, saying
that it wanted to prevent them from approaching the fence of the border and
releasing flaming kites and balloons that burned agricultural fields in

Hamas leaders and the organizers of the marches insisted that they will
carry on protests and rallies on every Friday until Israel ends its blockade.