BSS-28 Kamal, Mannan condole Nasim’s death





Kamal, Mannan condole Nasim’s death

DHAKA, June 13, 2020 (BSS) – Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal and Planning Minister MA Mannan today expressed deep shock and sorrow at the death of Awami League leader Mohammad Nasim, MP.

In separate messages of condolence, both the finance minister and the planning minister prayed for eternal peace of the departed soul and conveyed deep sympathy to the bereaved family.

Awami League (AL) presidium member, 14-party alliance spokesperson and former health minister Mohammed Nasim passed away at a city hospital today at the age of 72.

Mohammed Nasim breathed his last while undergoing treatment at Bangladesh Specialized Hospital in city’s Shyamoli area.

He is survived by wife, three sons, a host of relatives and admirers.

On June 1, Nasim was admitted to the hospital. Later at night, he was found coronavirus positive after testing sample.

He suffered a stroke in the early hours of June 5 and had undergone a successful operation.

Later, the concerned doctors first kept him under close observation for 72 hours.

Then, the observation period was extended to 72 hours.

By this time, Nasim was found coronavirus negative in second and third tests.
On June 6, a medical board was formed at the directive of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to ensure his better treatment.

BSS/PR/GM/GA/1606 hrs