350 more distressed families get rice support in Rajshahi


RAJSHAHI, June 13, 2020 (BSS) – 350 more distressed and other worst-affected families get rice to defeat their livelihood related difficulties caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Each of the families was given ten kilograms of rice as the gift of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in Mollapara area in the city on Friday afternoon through maintaining social distancing and other health guidelines amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mayor of Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) AHM Khairuzzaman Liton accompanied by its Panel Mayor Tahera Begum Milly and Ward Councilor Nazrul Islam distributed the humanitarian assistance.

Speaking on the occasion, Mayor Liton said 26,782 members of 118 deserving organizations were given 148 tonnes of rice earlier as the gift of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to lessen their livelihood sufferings.

Each of another 1,200 teachers from kindergarten and pre-cadet schools in Rajshahi city areas was given 10 kilograms of rice, five kilograms of potato and two kilograms of pulse very recently.

Besides, 7,400 households were also given foodstuffs as part of the government’s instant humanitarian support to relieve the livelihood related hardship.

The city corporation has so far, disbursed 378 tonnes of rice, five tonnes of flour, 64 tonnes of pulse, 67 tonnes of potato, 2,000 packets of baby food, 350 tonnes of seasonal vegetables and 3,950 packets of cooked foods benefiting around 1.40 lakh jobless and distressed families in the city.