BSS-38 Pro-people budget to be presented in JS: Quader





Pro-people budget to be presented in JS: Quader

DHAKA, Jun 10, 2020 (BSS) – Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader today said pro-people and welfare-oriented budget will be presented in the Jatiya Sangsad by giving the highest priority to the lives and livelihoods of the people as the national budget for 2020-21 is scheduled to be presented tomorrow.

“By giving maximum priority to the lives and livelihoods of the people, the government will present pro-people and welfare-oriented budget in the Jatiya Sangsad”, he said while joining an agreement signing ceremony of northern metro-rail route-5 between Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Company Ltd and Japanese Nippon Koei Co, Ltd through video conferencing from his official residence here.

Japanese Ambassador to Bangladesh Naoki Ito also joined the video conference.

Turning down a statement made by BNP Secretary General Fakhrul Islam Alamgir that the government took no advice before budget preparation, the AL leader said, “It is absolutely wrong.”

Before giving the budget, Quader, also general secretary of the ruling Awami League, said experts’ opinions, economists’ experiences, research and party manifesto also have been taken into account.

Referring to the ongoing corona virus crisis, the minister said the Prime Minister is taking all the necessary decisions after consulting with the experts, adding that at the same time, views and advices of the participants also have been taken long time before presenting the budget.

Regarding the government’s decision on imposing area-wise ‘lockdown’, he said the government will take strict measures if the corona infection is found to rise in the country.

Calling the people to follow the health guidelines, the AL leader said “We have to follow all the decisions suggested by the Prime Minister to overcome the worst situation, otherwise the government will enforce strict measures if the corona infection rises in these areas where lockdown so far has not been imposed.”

Quader urged the people to follow the government decision with patience as the decision of imposing fresh lockdown has been taken considering the people’s welfare.

He said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina takes any decision after considering the opinions of all concerned, adding that “She [the Prime Minister ] usually takes decision after discussing with all inside the government and the party as well.”

He reiterated that only the ruling Awami League is used to practice democracy compared to other political parties in the country.

The minister informed that the construction work of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s most preferred multipurpose Padma Bridge is proceeding ahead by following all the health guidelines amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Joining the metro-rail agreement signing programme, the road transport minister said the government is going to construct six metro-rail routes in the city by 2030 aiming to reduce traffic congestion in the capital and its adjacent areas.

As part of the construction, the minister said the agreement has been signed for appointing the consultant as the consultant would supervise and make design of 20-kilometers metro-rail route from Hemayetpur to Bhatara via Gabtoli-Mirpur-10-Kothukhet-Banani-Gulshan-2.

The newly constructed route which would connect the eastern and west parts of the city –comprising with 13 kilometers underground and 6.50 kilometers flyover.

The total cost for construction of the route is nearly Taka 41,000 crore—where the Japanese government will finance nearly Taka 29,000 crore, he said.

Meanwhile, the minister said almost 45 per cent work of metro-route-6 from Uttara to Mothijheel has already been completed. One-kilometer rail line and 10-kilometer viaduct also have been installed on the route.

The agreement involving nearly Taka 1,600 crore was jointly signed by MAN Siddique, Managing Director of Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited, Acting Director of Japan Nippon Koei, Co, Ltd Ken Nisino and Oriental Consultants Global Company President Yonezawa.

Road Transport and Highway division secretary M Nazrul Islam, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) representative in Bangladesh, project directors of different metro-rail projects, engineers, officials and representatives from consulting agencies, among others, joined the video conference.

BSS/BKD/BN/OG/KU/1930 hrs