Bus services resume in Khulna after more than 2 months


KHULNA, June 01, 2020 (BSS): The road transport services, including buses and minibuses to and from Khulna resumed this morning after being suspended more than two months back in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic across the country .

Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) here today introduced bus services in a limited scale following health safety guidelines and rules issued by the government .

On the first day, BRTA has taken all-out measures in compliance with the health safety guidelines of the government and buses were seen plying with fewer passengers to prevent further transmission of the corona virus pandemic.

After visiting the bus terminals and counters this correspondent found that the bus authority made arrangements for measuring commuters’ body temperature and disinfecting them at entry point to the terminals .

No sick people were allowed to travel and the passengers were seen sitting on their seats by maintaining safety distancing.

Abdul Karim, the Manager of Tungipara Express counter at Royal intersection area in the city said all buses are leaving Khulna for Dhaka since this morning.

Syed Mahfuz Parvej, a toll collector of the Rupsha Bridge said, during the lockdown, though some emergency trucks, pick up-vans and private cars have been passed out on emergency basis from now on all types of buses, minibuses are passing following health guidelines .

Joint secretary of Khulna District Bus Minibus Coach Owners Samity Anwar Hossain Sana said they resumed the bus services with almost half passengers and maintaining safety distance and other health guidelines.