BSS-09 Light to moderate rain likely





Light to moderate rain likely

DHAKA, May 30, 2020 (BSS) – Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) today predicted light to moderate rain at many places of the country in 24 hours as of 9 am tomorrow.

“Light to moderate rain or thundershowers accompanied by temporary gusty or squally wind is likely to occur at many places over Mymensingh, Sylhet, Dhaka, Khulna, Barishal and Chattogram divisions and at a few places over Rangpur and Rajshahi divisions with moderately heavy falls at isolated places over the country,” said a BMD bulletin issued here this morning.

Day temperature may fall slightly and night temperature may remain nearly unchanged over the country, the bulletin added.

Country’s maximum temperature on Friday was recorded 35.4 degrees Celsius at Jashore in Khulna division while the lowest one was recorded 21.2 degrees Celsius in Tangail in Dhaka division.

Maximum rainfall for the last twenty-four hours till 6am today was recorded 57 milimeters (mm) at Nikli in Dhaka division.

The sun sets at 06.41 pm today and rises at 5.11am tomorrow in the capital.

BSS/PR/SRH/GMR/1348 hrs