BSS-23 BNP speaks ill of govt without standing by people: Quader





BNP speaks ill of govt without standing by people: Quader

DHAKA, May 18, 2020 (BSS) – Awami League General Secretary and Road
Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader today said the BNP leaders are
not playing a responsible role during the ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19)

“BNP is not playing any responsible role as a political party . . . Rather
it is speaking ill of the government without standing by the people during
the coronavirus crisis,” he told a virtual press briefing from his official
residence in the capital.

He added: “BNP’s back has been stuck on the wall for doing negative

The AL general secretary categorically said BNP is frequently criticizing
the government’s activities amid the pandemic coronavirus outbreak without
doing anything for the people.

Urging all to be aware of the ‘health risk’, Quader said, “We noticed with
grave concern that people are going home (from Dhaka) all together. On the
occasion of Eid, the risk of additional infections in different markets is

The minister called upon the people to celebrate the Eid festival by
abiding by the health rules, saying that a little negligence of the rules may
create a horrible situation for own-self and the people around.

Asking the party leaders and workers to stand besides the workless,
unemployed and floating people, he said Awami League always stands the side
of the helpless and poor people.

The AL general secretary requested the affluent and solvent section of
society to extend their hands of cooperation to the needy people who have
become workless due to Covid-19 outbreak.

About the frontlines Covid-19 fighters, the minister said, “Don’t lose your
heart and patience as you are the front-fighters in this pandemic
coronavirus. The country and its people are very much respectful to you as
you are doing a very risky job.”

The AL general secretary called upon the countrymen not to get frustrated
and keep faith in the present government led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina,
the tested leader.

“Insha’Allah the ongoing crisis will end with the joint efforts of all. As
the night of crisis will be deeper the closer the golden morning’s
possibility will come,” Quader hoped.