BSS-05 Corona test positive stands at 325 in Rajshahi division





Corona test positive stands at 325 in Rajshahi division

RAJSHAHI, May 17, 2020 (BSS) – The total number of detected coronavirus (COVID-19) positive patients rose to 325 in Rajshahi division with detection of fifteen more infected patients in two districts of the division in the last 24 hours till 8am today, said a COVID-19 quarantine and isolation related daily report here today.

Quoting the report, Divisional Director of Health Dr Gopendra Nath Acharya said a significant number of 14 more people tested positive for COVID-19 in a single day in Bogura district Saturday, climbing the district’s total number of positive cases to 75.

The district-wise break-up of reported COVID-19 cases now stands at 20 in Rajshahi, 16 in Chapainawabganj, 83 in Naogaon, 13 in Natore, 87 in Joypurhat, 75 in Bogura, 15 in Sirajgonj and 16 in Pabna districts.

Following confirmation of new COVID-19 cases, the respective houses of the infected persons in different areas in the division were placed on 14-day isolation.

Dr Gopen said the whereabouts of the persons, who came in contact with COVID-19 patients, were brought to notice and they were asked to remain in home hibernation so that the virus cannot spread further.

He said all the positive cases for COVID-19 have, so far, been brought under necessary treatment while 307 others kept in isolation units in different hospitals under institutional supervision and another 224 were released in the division.

Meanwhile, a total of 628 more people have been sent to home and institutional quarantine afresh as part of the present hectic efforts of bringing all the suspected people under quarantine in all eight districts of the division in the last 24 hours till 8 am today.

With this, the number of total quarantined people in both home and institutional ones stood at 7,857 at present. A total of 31,988 people had, so far, been kept under quarantine since March 10 to prevent community transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Of them, 24,131 have, by now, been released as they were given clearance certificates after completing their respective 14-day quarantine period in the division.

Among the new quarantined people, five have been kept under home quarantine in Rajshahi, 221 in Chapainawabganj, 97 in Naogaon, 20 in Natore, 150 in Joypurhat, 56 in Bogura, 44 in Sirajgonj and 35 in Pabna districts.

Dr Acharya added that utmost emphasis has been given to bring all the suspected people under quarantine, isolation and testing as these are being adjudged as important means of containing the community transmission of the virus.