BSS-25 45 poor people get Zakat money at Kawnia in Rangpur




ZAKAT-KAWNIA (with picture)

45 poor people get Zakat money at Kawnia in Rangpur

RANGPUR, May 13, 2020 (BSS) – A total 45 poor, distressed and needy people
received over Taka 1.05 lakh from the government’s Zakat Fund at a function
held on Kawnia upazila parishad office premises in the district today.

Kawnia Upazila Nirbahi Officer Ulfat Ara Begum distributed the Zakat money
as the chief guest in the function arranged maintaining physical distance to
prevent community transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Kawnia upazila office of the Islamic Foundation organised the function
with its Model Caretaker Shahidul Islam in the chair.

Kawnia Upazila Ansar-VDP Trainer Mohammad Moniruzzaman and local journalist
Sarwar Alam Mukul were present, among others.

Forty of the beneficiary people received Taka 2,000 each while five sick
persons got Taka 5,000 each from the Zakat Fund in the function.