BSS-34 BNP adopts ill-strategy to criticise govt: Quader





BNP adopts ill-strategy to criticise govt: Quader

DHAKA, May 10, 2020 (BSS) – Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader
today said BNP has taken a crooked political strategy to criticise the
government amid the ongoing coronavirus crisis.

“Not disclosing the fact of any incident and twisting it, conducting
political propaganda is an offense,” he said.

Quader, also road transport and bridges minister, was speaking at a virtual
press conference on the contemporary affairs from his official residence

Coming down heavily on BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir
for criticising the government amid the COVID-19 crisis, the AL general
secretary said Fakhrul’s remarks were ill-motivated ones aimed to mislead the
country’s politics and media.

“If there is any irregularity in relief distribution, you (Fakhrul) have
the scope to reveal it. But, making it twisted, conducting political
propaganda is an offense,” he said.

Quader said the government, led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, shows
respect to the political rights of the country’s citizens. “But, without
verifying the facts, the ill-strategy to mislead people is not acceptable at
all,” he added.

About the alleged misuse of the Digital Security Act, he said: “We are
repeatedly saying that the Home Ministry will remain alert so that the
Digital Security Act could not be applied in a wrong way. Action will be
taken against those who misuse the law.”

Highlighting the relief distribution programmes of both the government and
the ruling Awami League, the AL general secretary said as per the instruction
of the prime minister, relief and cash assistance have so far been provided
to about four crore people.

In addition to this, he said, following the instruction of the AL
president, party leaders and activists have provided food aid and cash
support to about one crore families across the country.

About the allegations of relief misappropriation, Quader said there are
61,569 public representatives in the country but they all are not involved in
irregularities in relief distribution.

The government has taken immediate punitive actions against those found
involved in relief irregularities, he said, issuing an warning that even if
any AL man is involved in relief misappropriation, action would be taken
against him or her.

Mentioning that around 1.2 crore Bangladeshi expatriates are at risk of
losing jobs abroad due to coronavirus outbreak, Quader said the foreign
ministry should give necessary instructions to the Bangladesh missions abroad
over this.

The government allowed reopening of markets and shopping malls considering
the country’s overall situation, he said, calling upon all the traders and
shoppers to follow health guidelines and maintain social distancing.

BSS/Asg/BKD/MRI/GA/1918 hrs