BSS-04 Dr Hasan condoles death of film director Rana Hamid





Dr Hasan condoles death of film director Rana Hamid

DHAKA, May 10, 2020 (BSS)- Information Minister and Awami League Joint General Secretary Dr Hasan Mahmud today expressed deep shock and sorrow at the death of film director and producer Rana Hamid.

In a message of condolence, Hasan prayed for eternal peace of the departed soul and conveyed profound sympathy to the bereaved family.

In a separate condolence massage, State Minister for Information Dr Md Murad Hassan condoled the death of Rana.

The state minister also prayed for eternal peace of the departed soul and conveyed profound sympathy to the bereaved family.

Film producer Rana Hamid died of cancer at a hospital in the city last night.

He had been suffering from stomach cancer and kidney related problems for a long time.
