15 more test COVID-19 positive in Khulna division


KHULNA, May 06, 2020 (BSS) -Fifteen more persons were diagnosed coronavirus (COVID-19) positive after testing their samples at the three COVID-19 laboratories in Khulna, Kustia and Jashore in the last 24 hours till noon today, raising the total number of confirmed cases to 178 in the division.

The newly detected 19 COVID-15 patients include one in Satkhira, one in Jashore, four in Jhenaidah, seven in Chuadanga and two in Meherpur districts under the division.

“We received 188 samples of suspected coronavirus patients in KMC and two other laboratories in the last 24 hours and 15 of those were found COVID-19 positive in the division,” said Assistant Director (Health) of Khulna division Dr. Ferdousi Akther.

She said the total number of infected patients rose to 178 after testing a total of 3,307 samples at the three regional COVID-19 laboratories till 12 noon today since April 7.

Of the total 178 patients, 16 are in Khulna, three in Bagerhat, two in Satkhira, 70 in Jashore, 32 in Jhenaidah, five in Magura, 13 in Narail, 16 in Kustia, 16 in Chuadanga and five in Meherpur, she added.

Meanwhile, one more COVID-19 patient died in Khulna last night while undergoing treatment at the corona dedicated hospital (Khulna Diabetic Hospital) in Khulna, raising the death toll to two in Khulna district, said an official of Khulna civil surgeon office here today.

The deceased is a 65-year-old woman of Deyara village in Rupsha upazila under Khulna district.

So far, four patients died in Khulna division, while 41 patients are undergoing treatment at the isolation ward, six were released after recovery and the rest of the patients are taking treatment at their respective homes.

Besides, two more patients died with corona-like symptoms yesterday.

“Both the patients were admitted at corona suspected isolation ward on Monday with fever and respiratory problems,” said Dr Shailendranah Biswas, physician and focal person of corona isolation ward.

They died yesterday with respiratory problems, he said, adding that their samples were collected for testing.