COVID-19 patients on rise in Ctg, 16 infected in 24 hours


CHATTOGRAM, May 5, 2020 (BSS) – The number of coronavirus (COVID-19)
infected patients in Chattogram is increasing everyday.

In the last 24 hours, the highest 16 corona positive patients were detected
in Chattogram.

Earlier, a maximum of 13 people were identified as corona infected patients
here on Monday.

A total of 110 corona patients have been identified in Chattogram district
in the last 40 days after the corona sample test started here on March 26,
Civil Surgeon Dr Sheikh Fazle Rabbi told BSS.

“We received a total of 243 samples of suspected coronavirus patients in
the last 24 hours and 22 people, including six from Noahkhali and Laximpur
district, were found COVID-19 positive after testing the samples at BITID
testing laboratory in the Chattogram,” Dr Sheikh Fazle Rabbi said.

The local administrations have put their respective areas under lockdown,
administration sources said.

The total number of COVID-19 positive patients is 110 in the Chattogram
district only.

Of them, seven patients died, so far and 21 were released after recovery
and the rest of the patients are taking treatment at different hospitals in
Chattogram, he added.

Dr. Sheikh Fazle Rabbi said that a total of 160 people have been found
corona positive so far in BITID and CIVASU lab in Chattogram, after testing
3,641samples till today.