BSS-23 BNP is infected with ‘virus of criticism’: Quader





BNP is infected with ‘virus of criticism’: Quader

DHAKA, May 5, 2020 (BSS) – Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader today said the BNP’s politics is infected with the ‘virus of criticism against the government’.

“The BNP’s politics is infected with the all-pervading virus of making criticisms of the government in the name of political dissent,” he told a virtual press conference on the contemporary affairs from his official residence here.

Quader, also road transport and bridges minister, said amid the ongoing coronavirus crisis, BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir continues delivering the poisonous speech in the name of criticising the government’s failure.

“They (BNP leaders) never echo the voice of commoners and even stand by them,” he added.

The AL general secretary said the BNP leaders are criticising the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s government. But many prestigious magazines like Forbes and The Economist applauded the bold leadership of the prime minister in tackling the coronavirus crisis, he added.

“I want to raise a question to Mirza Fakhrul – what can they give to people except cleverness of talks? …in our neighbouring country, the Congress (party) stands by the people by forming a fund,” Quader said.

About easing shutdown for some public agencies, he said apart from protecting people from coronavirus, the pace of the country’s economy must be kept smooth and that is why the government eases the general holidays to a little bit.

About BNP’s demand for forming a national taskforce on COVID-19, Quader said: “Nobody irrespective of religion, caste and political thoughts is safe from coronavirus.”

Taskforces are being formed in different countries to innovate vaccine of coronavirus and provide medical services for COVID-19 patients, he said, but no taskforce was formed involving political parties in any country to this end.