19 more test COVID-19 positive in Khulna division


KHULNA, May 05, 2020 (BSS) – Nineteen more persons were diagnosed with coronavirus (COVID-19) after testing their samples at the three COVID-19 laboratories in Khulna, Kustia and Jashore in the last 24 hours till noon today, raising the total number of confirmed cases to 163 in the division.

The newly detected 19 COVID-19 patients include 12 in Jashore and 7 in Jhenaidah districts.

“We received 192 samples of suspected coronavirus patients in KMC and others two laboratories in the last 24 hours and 19 of those were found COVID-19 positive in the division,” said Assistant Director (Health) of Khulna division Dr. Ferdousi Akther.

She said the total number of infected patients rose to 163 after testing a total of 3,119 samples at the three regional COVID-19 Laboratories till today 12 noon today, since April 7.

Of the total 163 patients, 16 are in Khulna, 3 in Bagerhat, 1 in Satkhira, 69 in Jashore, 28 in Jhenaidah, 5 in Magura, 13 in Narail, 16 in Kustia, 9 in Chuadanga and 3 in Meherpur.”she added.

Of them, three patients died, so far, while 36 patients are undergoing treatment at the isolation ward, six were released after recovery and the rest of the patients are taking treatment at their respective homes.

The total number of quarantined people rose to 26,927 today as 190 more people were put in quarantine at home or institutions in the last 24 hours till 8 am today.

So far, a total of 23,178 people were released from home or institutional quarantine and 3,749 people are remaining in home or institutional quarantine in all 10 districts of Khulna division.