Political divide will hinder coronavirus fighting efforts: Quader

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DHAKA, April 28, 2020 (BSS) – Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader today said the politics of divide will make the COVID-19 tacking efforts more complicated amid the country’s ongoing crisis.

“This fight (against coronavirus) is a struggle for our survival. In this crisis, the politics of divide will make the COVID-19 tacking efforts more complicated. Our unity is the main tool to defeat the deadly virus,” he said.

Quader, also road transport and bridges minister, was speaking at a virtual press conference on contemporary affairs from his official residence here.

Noting that coronavirus is not a political issue but a global problem, he said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is monitoring the country’s COVID-19 situation round-the-clock and has been giving necessary instructions to the officials concerned to this end.

“This time, we must remain united…we should strengthen the hands of our prime minister,” the AL general secretary said.

Calling upon the country’s people to keep patience amid the ongoing coronavirus crisis, he said there is no alternative to following the health guidelines and maintaining social distancing to prevent the lethal virus.

“Now, we have taken part in a hard fight under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. We have to win in this battle,” he added.

Quader asked people not to be disappointed amid the coronavirus crisis, saying that the Sheikh Hasina government always stands by them.

He expressed gratitude to those who have been working in the frontlines to fight the coronavirus – doctors, nurses, other health workers, government officials, army personnel, police, media personnel and emergency service providers.

On the occasion of the holy Ramadan, the AL general secretary urged the traders not to adulterate iftar items.