275 jobless get foodstuffs from affluent people in Rangpur


RANGPUR, April 25, 2020 (BSS) – A group of affluent people here distributed
food items among 275 jobless people of Ward No-8 in Haridebpur union of Sadar
upazila in the district today.

The group, having a theme – ‘Each of us for others’ – distributed 19-
kologram packages in a function arranged maintaining physical distancing at
Mulapara BRAC office ground in Ward No-8 of the union to prevent community
transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Sadar Upazila Chairman and Women Affairs Secretary of district Awami League
Nasima Zaman Boby distributed the foodstuffs as the chief guest with
Haridebpur union Chairman Md. Iqbal Hossain in the chair.

Each of the beneficiaries, including physically challenged and aged
citizens, received a sac containing 10 kg of rice, three kg of potato, two kg
of sugar, one kg each of pulse, edible oil, semolina and iodized salt in the

Besides, cash money was distributed among two physically challenged people
and two elderly citizens in addition to the food package.

Joint General Secretary of district Swechchasebak League Saiful Islam Sweet
with assistance of local volunteers and affluent people of Ward No-8 of
Haridebpur union coordinated the initiative under the supervision of Nasima
Zaman Boby.

Highly appreciating the contribution of the local affluent people, Nasima
called upon all solvent people to stand beside the jobless, distressed and
needy people alongside the government efforts to face the COVID-19 situation.