BSS-06 10,911 people released from quarantine in Rajshahi division





10,911 people released from quarantine in Rajshahi division

RAJSHAHI, April 25, 2020 (BSS) – A total of 10,911 people have, so far, been given clearance certificates after expiry of their respective 14-day quarantined period in all eight districts under Rajshahi division till 8am today.

Divisional Director of Health Dr Gopendra Nath Acharya said 8,169 others remained in home and institutional quarantine in the division at present.

A total of 19,080 people had been put under home quarantine since March 10 last to prevent community transmission of novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

Meanwhile, a total of 549 new persons have been kept under home quarantine and 630 others were released in the division in the last 24 hours till this morning.

Among the new ones, 20 have been home-quarantined in Rajshahi, 190 in Chapainawagonj, 73 in Naogaon, 146 in Joypurhat, 11 in Bogura, 44 in Sirajganj and 65 in Pabna districts.

Dr Gopen Acharya said a total of 124 patients are undergoing treatment in isolation units and another 79 were released at present in the division, adding that an integrated measure has been adopted to bring all the migrants and other suspects under home quarantine to curb the virus spread.

He also said comprehensive efforts are continuing to ensure following the health related guidelines like staying at home, social distancing and washing hands with soap water and sanitizer.

The law-enforcing agencies have also intensified their activities to enforce the health related directives everywhere in the division aimed at combating the virus outbreak.

All the district administrations and local government institutions including the Rajshahi City Corporation have adopted diversified measures, including creating awareness among the public in general through distributing leaflets and using loudspeakers.

Masks and sanitizers were distributed among the health, conservancy workers and the public in general.

Various government, non-government and voluntary organizations are distributing foodstuffs and cash money among the daily wage-earners so that their home-staying is ensured.

On other hand, a total of 1,384 samples so far were tested in the newly installed regional laboratory to detect novel coronavirus here till yesterday since the testing started on April 1.

“We tested the samples in the laboratory installed in the Department of Virology in Rajshahi Medical College Hospital (RMCH) through setting up all the requisite equipments, including the machine for Polymerase Chain Reaction, widely known as PCR,” said Prof Dr Sabera Gulnahar, head of the virology department and in-charge of the laboratory.

She mentioned that a total of 23 positive cases have been detected so far.

Among the total infected cases, eight were in Rajshahi, five in Bogura, four in Joypurhat, three in Chapainawabganj, two in Pabna and Naogaon each and one in Sirajgonj, she added.

BSS/AH/GMR/1309 hrs