China to always stay beside Bangladesh to fight COVID-19: CPC


DHAKA, April 22, 2020 (BSS) – China today reiterated that it will always stay beside Bangladesh and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to fight the coronavirus situation.

“Our government will extend all kinds of cooperation to Bangladesh and remain beside the country in the way Dhaka stood beside China in its perilous time,” the Communist Party of China (CPC) said in a message to the Bangladesh Awami League (AL).

In this connection, the message quoted a verse of a poem of Ruposhi Banglar Kabi Jibanananda Das –“Sattikarer Bandhutta Sahosikatar Sathe Durbhog-Durdashar Parbat O Sagar Pari Dey”.

An AL press release signed by its Office Secretary Barrister Biplab Barua said here today.

The message said Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s daughter and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina as well as the people of Bangladesh extended all-out cooperation to the Chinese people in different ways to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Prime Minister and AL President Sheikh Hasina had sent a letter to Chinese President Xi Jinping expressing sympathy and solidarity and the Chinese people will ever remember her generosity during the crisis period,” the message reads.

It said the Communist Party of China, as a political party, considers Bangladesh Awami League with special importance as a tested friend of them.

The message said China things that Bangladesh has an ability to face the crisis emerged due to the outbreak of COVID-19 under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Bangladesh Awami League.

The Communist Party of China also hoped that the people of Bangladesh would be able to contain and control the pandemic within the shortest possible time under the leadership of their prime minister.

The Communist Party of China also provided 50,000 pieces of masks for the AL, the release said.