BSS-29 43 families on lockdown after coronavirus detection in Rajshahi





43 families on lockdown after coronavirus detection in Rajshahi

RAJSHAHI, April 13, 2020 (BSS)- Local administration has kept 43 families on lockdown

following a person was confirmed ascoronavirus (COVID-19) positive in the district for

the first time.

Simultaneously, samples of 10 persons, who came in contact with the Coronavirus positive,

were collected and the infected person is now undergoing treatment from his house at

Bogurapara village under Puthiya upazila of the district. He came to his house from his

workplace in Narayanganj on Wednesday last.

Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer Dr Nazma Akter said he was confirmed as a

coronavirus positive on Saturday afternoon.

After a shortest possible time, 43 families kept on lockdown debarring all the family

members from going out and entering into those.

She said employees of two medicine shops and a filling station were sent to home

quarantine besides taking necessary measures of ensuring health rights protection of the

infected person and his other family members.

“We have taken all-out measures of combating the coronavirus spread from the infected

person to others,” said Upazila Nirbahi Officer Muhammad Waliuzzaman, adding loudspeakers

in the nearby mosques are being used to generate awareness among the public in general in

this regard.
