BSS-22 200 jobless get 20-kg food package in Rangpur




RAB-FOOD-JOBLESS (with picture)

200 jobless get 20-kg food package in Rangpur

RANGPUR, April 1, 2020 (BSS) – Rapid Action Battalion (RAB-13)
distributed a 20-kg food package among each of the 200 jobless labourers and
destitute people to meet food demand of their family members for a week in
the city today.

Commanding Officer (CO) of RAB-13 Reza Ahmed Ferdous distributed the
food in front of mural of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman at Bangabandhu Square in the city and rural areas in the outskirts of
the city.

The 20-kg food package included 10 kg of rice, five kg of potato, one kg
each of pulse, edible oil, iodized salt and onion along with some ginger,
garlic, turmeric and pepper and one piece of soap.

Talking to BSS this afternoon, the RAB-13 CO said the elite force would
continue to extend humanitarian support to the jobless, needy, poor and
distressed people of Rangpur region to stand beside them under the present
coronavirus (COVID) situation.

He specially urged the people to avoid gathering and remain at homes for
maintaining social distancing and properly abide by the health directives of
the government to prevent community transmission of COVID-19 for own safety
and keep others safe.

BSS/MI/FI/1736 hrs