BSS-29 PM greets countrymen marking Independence and National Day





PM greets countrymen marking Independence and National Day

DHAKA, March 25, 2020 (BSS) – Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has extended
heartiest greetings to the countrymen and expatriate Bangladeshis on the
occasion of the great Independence and National Day of Bangladesh to be
celebrated tomorrow.

“I extend my heartiest greetings to the countrymen and expatriate
Bangladeshis on the occasion of the great Independence and National Day of
Bangladesh,” said the Prime Minister in a message today.

The premier urged all to get united in the spirit of the Great War of
Liberation and maintain the continuation of development and democracy by
facing any sort of conspiracy.

“Let us transform Bangladesh into a safe and peaceful home for our next
generation-this should be our firm commitment on the Independence Day,” she

Sheikh Hasina said March 26 is the day of establishing self-identity of
Bengalee nation. It is the day of breaking the shackles of subjugation, she

On the Independence Day, the Prime Minister recalled with deep gratitude
the Greatest Bangalee of all times, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman, under whose undisputed leadership we have earned our coveted

She paid tributes to four national leaders, who steered the War of
Liberation in the absence of Bangabandhu.

She also paid her deep homage to the three million martyrs and two lakh
dishonored women of the War of Liberation and all the valiant freedom
fighters including the wounded ones. She extended sympathies to those who had
lost their near and dear ones, and were subjected to brutal torture during
the Liberation War.

She also recalled with gratitude our foreign friends who had extended
their whole-hearted support and cooperation for the cause of our liberation.

Marking the birth centenary of the Father of the Nation, ‘Mujib Year’ is
being celebrated from March 2020 to March 2021, she said, adding that
Bangabandhu’s birth centenary celebration has been started on March 17. Along
with Bangladesh, Mujib Year is being celebrated globally with the initiative
of the UNESCO, she added.

The Prime Minister said the Bangalee nation had fought against oppression
and deprivation of Pakistani rulers for long 23 years under the leadership of

They were compelled to hold General Election in 1970, she said, adding
that Bangladesh Awami League led by Bangabandhu won absolute majority in the
election. But the Pakistani rulers adopted repressive measures instead of
handing over power to the majority party in a democratic way, she added.

Calling for independence at the then Race Course Ground on March 7, 1971
Bangabandhu declared: “The struggle this time is the struggle for our
emancipation; the struggle this time is the struggle for independence, Joi
Bangla.” He instructed the Bangalee Nation to resist the enemies.

Sheikh Hasina said the Pakistani occupation forces unleashed a sudden
attack and started killing innocent and unarmed Bangalees on the fateful
night of March 25, 1971 and killed thousands of people in cities and towns
including Dhaka.

Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman formally proclaimed
the independence of Bangladesh at the first hour of March 26, 1971, she said,
adding that Bangabandhu’s proclamation was spread all over the country
through telegrams, tele-printers and EPR wireless. She said the international
media also had circulated Bangabandhu’s proclamation of Independence.

“Under the brave and dauntless leadership of Bangabandhu, the ultimate
victory was attained on December 16, 1971 after a 9-month of bloody war,” she

The premier said the independence earned through supreme sacrifices of
millions of people is the greatest achievement of Bangalee Nation. To ensure
that this achievement remains meaningful, all have to know the true history
of our great Liberation War and retain the spirit of independence. The spirit
of the Liberation War has to be passed on from generation to generations, she

Being imbued with the spirit of the freedom struggle, the Awami League
government has relentlessly been working to develop the country since 2009,
she said.

“We have been accomplishing the unfinished tasks of the Father of the
Nation. Bangladesh had achieved outstanding socio-economic progress in the
last 11 years. It has fulfilled the requirements for graduating from least
developed country to developing one,” she said.

Sheikh Hasina said the present government is maintaining ‘zero tolerance’
policy to tackle militancy, terrorism and drug-menaces. For the first time in
the world, Bangladesh has formulated a 100-year plan named ‘Delta Plan 2100’,
she said, adding that Bangladesh is one of the five top countries in the
world in economic development and ninety percent of development works are
financed from our own resources.

She said by establishing the rule of law, the government has executed the
verdicts of the trial of the killers of Bangabandhu.

As per the pledges to the people, the trials of war criminals are going on
and verdicts are being executed, she said, adding that the people are now
getting benefits of development as Awami League has continuously been in
power for third consecutive time.

By implementing our ‘Vision-2021’, ‘Vision-2041’ and ‘Delta Plan-2100’,
the government has been working relentlessly to build a hunger-poverty-free
developed-prosperous Bangladesh as envisioned by the Father of the Nation,
she said.

“Bangladesh is moving forward and it will go on. Today we have become a
self-respecting country in the world holding our heads high,” said the Prime

BSS/PR/TAN/ARS/1800 hrs