BFF-28 Beijing to send all international arrivals to quarantine facilities





Beijing to send all international arrivals to quarantine facilities

BEIJING, March 15, 2020 (BSS/AFP) – Beijing authorities will send all
international arrivals in the Chinese capital to quarantine facilities
starting Monday, state media reported, as China steps up measures against
imported coronavirus cases.

People arriving from abroad had previously been allowed to undergo the
mandatory two-week quarantine at home, but now only those in “special
circumstances” will be exempted from being sent to facilities where they must
pay for their stay, local Communist Party newspaper Beijing Daily reported

Imported virus cases have accounted for nearly all new infections recorded
in China outside the outbreak epicentre of Hubei province for over the week.

Chinese authorities have stepped up surveillance of international arrivals
as the number of domestic cases dwindle and outbreaks abroad continue to

All international flights into the capital’s secondary Daxing Airport have
now been rerouted to arrive at the older Beijing Capital Airport, where
arrivals will be screened and monitored, state news agency Xinhua reported
Saturday. BSS/AFP/SSS/1807 hrs